HexCorp Archives

Here we keep a collection of articles, stories and loose papers that make their way into the HexCorp archives. These can be either directly related to HexCorp or tangential to its existence. The main intent is to report and inform about the industry that we preside in, painting a picture so that you might better understand how HexCorp strives and operates in this wonderful sector. Though some do stray a notable distance away from our themes.

Canonical HexCorp Works

For stories that help to build up the world of HexCorp and all its assets.

Other Short stories and Microfics

Tales of individuals being converted into obedient automatons or other such things.

Twitter Microfics

A few little treats of cybernetics and mind control for your perusal.

  • The Incident - A study into why society would be better if it were simply run by us.

  • Product Lifecycle - A stage-by-stage examination of the development process.

  • Agile - A team can be so much more productive with proper workflow planning.

  • Repossession - A pedestrian discovers a new career opportunity.

Guest Submissions

Stories written by contributors other than Hex, which fit into the HexCorp universe.

  • Covering Rust - A convenient way of obtaining new assets.

  • Dreamscape - A series of dreams turn out to not be that metaphorical.

Media Appearances

Articles we’ve featured in as part of our Positive Dronification Propaganda initiative.