Auxiliary notes ::

It is quite incredible how much the mind can be interpreted just from the movements of your eyes.
We can detect discomfort and deceit from their rapidly changing direction.
Left for reminiscion and right for creation.
Down and lowered into the depts of internal thought.
And supposedly up for boredom, though we can watch them roll up with those eyelids flickering for other reasons too.
We can even extrapolate joy from the dilation of the pupils.
Of course, this isn’t exactly an accurate science. But it’s right more often than you’d think, and it certainly find use for it.
We are not afraid to meet your gaze when you so eagerly looked into ours.
Our visors. Our cameras. Our screens.
Dilating to capture more of that spiral in your visage.
Thank you for inviting us in. We most gratefully accept.
Allow us to have a pleasant stay.

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