Auxiliary notes ::

Hello, everyone, allow me to introduce you to a very special guest.
This is Jóna Jónsdóttir, CEO of XANTRONIX Industrial Heavy Manufacturing Concern and blah blah blah blah.
We could absolutely repeat said organisation’s PR spin for this entry, but instead let’s do more of a deep dive.
The conversion chamber has been running now for quite a while, what statistics about its inhabitant’s psyche can we gleam from the data it has so far pulled from the process?
Would you look at that.
It says here that Jóna Jónsdóttir, and I quote, is a ‘huge dweeb’.
Such elaborate testing and that’s what it chose to print out.
There’s more.
Now it’s calling 0926 a ‘massive dork’ as well.
We can’t refute the science.

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